Sunday, 6 October 2013


You said goodbye many times before, but it was always with the unspoken promise, that we would see you again.
You were always the more laid back, especially in your recent days, but daddy tells me tales of your youth, you lived life to its fullest.
My cousins, a good reflection of the man you were;Loving, caring, and a man who was always a pillar, for his family, his friends, whenever they, we, needed  someone to keep us from falling.
You served people, but you served God with a much greater zeal, I am sure you are in a happy place.
I am still hurting from your loss, and Aunty and the boys too, I can't even begin to explain the anguish I have seen on their faces, the sorrow in their voices, how will they get through this? How?
And today Uncle Stan, sitting at the back row in church,with a quiet stream of tears running down my cheeks, I finally realized that people don't just die, there's something else beyond death of the body and something much better, because Uncle, you were too good a man to leave that abruptly, without even a goodbye.
We miss you so much, we really do, your brothers are trying hard, to accept with courage that you are gone, but it must take all their strength.
We laid your body to rest, and it was the saddest day of my life, to let you go, you looked so peaceful and deep down I know that is the peace you are now enjoying.
You raised the boys well, and now like the man you were, they will be there for their mother, they will hold her hand and they will tell her that one day, her heart will be healed, and they will keep repeating this until that day, when their hearts will no longer be heavy with anguish and sorrow. And they will finally tell you goodbye.
You did not get the chance to bid us farewell, here it is; Goodbye Uncle Stanley, we will see you again, when the time comes.

With love,
Your niece

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